Download and Organize Example Classifications

These are preliminary classifications that demonstrate how to organize your own classifications or use the ones posted on

By default, the function "get_pred_tables" will download the example classifications. You just have to provide a directory in which to save it.

In [1]:
from svrimg.utils.get_tables import get_pred_tables

egs = get_pred_tables(data_dir="../data/csvs/", remove_first_row=True)

Class Code Class Name
199604200208z000000206 0 Cellular
199604192244z000000197 0 Cellular
199605280130z000000300 0 Cellular
199605280140z000000298 0 Cellular
199604192307z000000207 0 Cellular

You can also organize your local predictions in yearly csv files. Look at the documentation to see how it works.

In [2]:
Help on function get_pred_tables in module svrimg.utils.get_tables:

get_pred_tables(data_dir, url='', example=True, default_name='*_Table_*.csv', csv_name='eg_classes_96-17', remove_first_row=False)
    Either downloads example predictions if 'example' is true, or combines your prediction
    tables in 'data_dir' into one table using the default naming format of 
    '*_Table_*.csv' or whatever is passed into default_name. This will
    attempt to grab every year from 1996 - 2017, but will not fail if a year is missing. 
    By default, the first row in every year's table is example data on, and 
    it can be removed as long as 'remove_first_row' is True. By default, if there is a 
    repeated UNID, the last one is kept.  The theory here is that if you accidentally 
    clicked something, you would go back and fix it.  Thus, the nth time is likely 
    more accurate.
    :param data_dir: str. Base directory in which to save the csv file.
    :param url: str. Base url directory where the table data is located. 
                     Default is "".
    :param example: bool. If True, download example data.  If false, look for local 
                          yearly tables. Default is True.
    :param default_name: str. Naming format for local csv files. Stars are used as wildcards.
                              Default is '*_Table_*.csv'.
    :param csv_name: str. Default name of new csv file containing classifications.
    :param remove_first_row: bool. Removes first row from each year of local table data 
                                   if True, ignores first row if false. Default is False.
    :return: csv. pandas DataFrame.  A DataFrame of UNIDs and their predictions.

The following example saves a combined csv in "../data/csvs/" named "eg_classes_96-17.csv" and will search that directory for your csvs with the filename format "*table*", which basically says it will accept any value before or after "table", or, in other words, any csv file with that format. This will work for all files that were downloaded and unmodified from Additionally, the first row is removed if remove_first_row is set to True. This should always be the case for tables, because the first row is "example data".

E.g., 1997_table_1598590650584.csv

In [3]:
egs = get_pred_tables(data_dir="../data/csvs/", example=False, remove_first_row=True)

Reading ../data/csvs\1996_table_1598301036645.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\1997_table_1598654995730.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\1998_table_1598654717113.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\1999_table_1598653800907.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2000_table_1598653195256.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2001_table_1598652843720.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2002_table_1598652512975.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2003_table_1598652048663.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2004_table_1598649705836.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2005_table_1598648953176.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2006_table_1598648546573.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2007_table_1598647933711.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2008_table_1598591450461.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2009_table_1598590650584.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2010_table_1598590117221.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2011_table_1598317702789.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2012_table_1598316949455.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2013_table_1598316588366.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2014_table_1598315495412.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2015_table_1598315118509.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2016_table_1598314768384.csv
Reading ../data/csvs\2017_table_1598301730650.csv
Class Code Class Name
199604200208z000000206 0 Cellular
199604192244z000000197 0 Cellular
199605280130z000000300 0 Cellular
199605280140z000000298 0 Cellular
199604192307z000000207 0 Cellular

You can then use other helper functions to plot representative means for each classification subset. The image shown is the probability matched mean for each subset.

In [4]:
from svrimg.utils.get_images import get_img_list
from svrimg.utils.map_helper import draw_box_plot
from svrimg.utils.pmmean import _run_pmm_one_variable

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 25, 25
plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 20
plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 20
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 20

i = [8, 7, 5, 4, 2, 1]
for cls in ['Cellular', 'QLCS', 'Tropical', 'Other', 'Noise', 'Missing']:
    sub = egs[egs["Class Name"]==cls].copy()
    imgs = get_img_list(sub.index.values, "../data/tor/")
    img = _run_pmm_one_variable(imgs)
    ax = plt.subplot(4, 3, i.pop())
    ax = draw_box_plot(ax, img, cbar_shrink=0.8)

    ax.set_title(cls, fontsize=20)
    ax.text(0, 130, "n={}".format(len(imgs)), fontsize=20)

Save the image data in a keras friendly format

The data are organized as follows:

Training: 1996 - 2011

Validation: 2012 - 2013

Testing: 2014 - 2017

We can visualize the class breakdowns per subset. First, get the svrgis index data and join it with the class data above.

In [5]:
from svrimg.utils.get_tables import get_svrgis_table

svrgis = get_svrgis_table(data_dir="../data/csvs/")

egs_join = egs.join(svrgis)

Class Code Class Name om tz st stf stn mag inj fat ... f3 f4 fc init_date fmt_date date_utc yr mo dy hr
199604200208z000000206 0 Cellular 206 3 IL 17 38 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1996-04-19-20:08:00 4/19/1996 20:08 4/20/1996 2:08 1996 4 20 2
199604192244z000000197 0 Cellular 197 3 IL 17 8 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1996-04-19-16:44:00 4/19/1996 16:44 4/19/1996 22:44 1996 4 19 22
199605280130z000000300 0 Cellular 300 3 IL 17 49 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1996-05-27-19:30:00 5/27/1996 19:30 5/28/1996 1:30 1996 5 28 1
199605280140z000000298 0 Cellular 298 3 IL 17 50 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1996-05-27-19:40:00 5/27/1996 19:40 5/28/1996 1:40 1996 5 28 1
199604192307z000000207 0 Cellular 207 3 IL 17 11 2 1 0 ... 0 0 0 1996-04-19-17:07:00 4/19/1996 17:07 4/19/1996 23:07 1996 4 19 23

5 rows × 33 columns

Now you can query the classifications by year.

In [6]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 40, 40
plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 20
plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 20
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 20

i = 1

for subset in [(1996, 2011), (2012, 2013), (2014, 2017)]:
    sub_ = egs_join[(egs_join.yr >= subset[0]) & (egs_join.yr <= subset[1])].copy()
    for cls in ['Cellular', 'QLCS', 'Tropical', 'Other', 'Noise', 'Missing']:
        class_ = sub_[sub_["Class Name"]==cls].copy()

        imgs = get_img_list(class_.index.values, "../data/tor/")

        img = _run_pmm_one_variable(imgs)

        ax = plt.subplot(6, 6, i)

        ax = draw_box_plot(ax, img, cbar_shrink=0.8)

        ax.set_title(cls + "\n{}-{}".format(subset[0], subset[1]), fontsize=30)

        ax.text(0, 130, "n={}".format(len(imgs)), fontsize=35)
        i += 1

Save the image data and classification data in pickles

In [7]:
import numpy as np
import pickle

for subset, name in zip([(1996, 2011), (2012, 2013), (2014, 2017)], ("train", "validation", "test")):
    sub_ = egs_join[(egs_join.yr >= subset[0]) & (egs_join.yr <= subset[1])].copy()
    imgs = get_img_list(sub_.index.values, "../data/tor/")
    imgs = np.expand_dims(imgs, axis=3)
    classes = sub_['Class Code'].values
    ## Assumes this folder exists
    pickle.dump([imgs, classes], open("../data/pkls/{}_{}_{}.pkl".format(subset[0], subset[1], name), "wb"))

Read in the image data to be ready for Keras

In [8]:
x_train, y_train = pickle.load(open("../data/pkls/1996_2011_train.pkl", "rb"))

x_val, y_val = pickle.load(open("../data/pkls/2012_2013_validation.pkl", "rb"))

x_test, y_test = pickle.load(open("../data/pkls/2014_2017_test.pkl", "rb"))

Almost ready for training!